Dear Parents,
You will find the link to Curriculum Guide and Grade Levels for Home Study here.
You will find the link to Curriculum Guide and Grade Levels for Home Study here.
- These materials are meant for your discretionary use, depending on your particular circumstances and are designed to remediate and extend the learning experiences for our students across all grade levels and curriculum areas. They are purposely not designed to advance the curriculum; we feel that in the event that we are able to return to the classroom on Monday, April 6, we will be able to best make-up the lost ground all together in our classroom settings and keep everyone at the same place in their studies.
- In the event that schools are still closed after April 5, it is our intention to engage in distance education for all of our students that does advance the curriculum so that by the end of the current school year, whether through distance education, in-class study or some combination of the two, all of our students will have completed their current grade level studies and will be ready to begin their next grade level in September. We are committed to this goal, and are already working on ways to achieve it.
- This listing is by no means intended for you to access all of it; we know that everyone’s circumstances are different during this time apart. Our aim is to provide you as many resources as we can to help support the continued learning for your children. You choose what best suits your children and circumstances.
- We’ve tried to include a range of online, downloadable and offline activities because we know that our families have a range of accessibility to technology.
- All students are different - we’ve tried to make grade ranges broad; but some students may be able to work up or down within the grade ranges or even outside of them
- This is by no means an exhaustive list; if you have come across interesting online sites and activities, please share them with us and we’ll pass them on
- We’ve done our best in a short time frame to vet each of these suggested websites; as always, parental supervision is important for elementary school children online.
- In order to give you some idea of timing, may we suggest that the following combination of online, offline and downloadable material study:
- PK/JK/SK 20 to 40 minutes
- Gr 1 and 2 1 hour
- Gr 3 and 4 1 hour, 30 minutes
- Gr 5 and 6 2 hours
- Gr 7 and 8 3 hours
- Don’t forget to include lots of exercise, family activities and play!
- PK/JK/SK 20 to 40 minutes